Wednesday, March 23, 2011


And I must say I am rather sad. The world lost a great beauty. I remember the first time I saw Cleopatra. My mouth was open the ENTIRE movie. She was just So elegant, and so pretty. I wanted to be her. (I still do) Looking at the pictures of her it makes me want to be more of a lady. To stand straighter, talk softer, move more gracefully. I think that is going to be my resolution. In honor of Miss Liz lets all be more lady-like. Lets cut the screaming and the hollering. The neck snapping and the hair swinging. I want to be one of those women who can tell you off without a curse or a raised voice. Modern day example: Michelle Obama. She looks like one of those women. Lets do it girls! Lets do it for Liz, lets do it for us!