"The Skunk and Munk Show" is a multi-media musical sitcom geared towards entertaining while educating todays youth. Utilizing music as the driving force of the show, mediums such as animation and comic book art provide the visual connection to the audio. Set in an imaginary place called "Soundtown" (based on Willingboro New Jersey) there lives two best friends, Skunk and Munk. These two young kids run the website www.skunkandmunktv.com, where they broadcast "The Skunk and Munk Show" from their clubhouse showing the latest home-jam videos,interviewing local artist, and discussing current events.
Soundtown is a special place filled with many different, colorful and talented characters. Everything in Soundtown,in one way or another, has a connection to music. Not to long ago, everyone kept their ears glued too Station Soundtown to hear "real music" played by the legendary Oldschool until the station was bought out by the diabolical Dr.Doughnut. Ever since then, the airwaves have been clogged with "Villian Music", forcing Skunk and Munk to take a stand-thus spawning "The Skunk and Munk Show".
Soundtown is a special place filled with many different, colorful and talented characters. Everything in Soundtown,in one way or another, has a connection to music. Not to long ago, everyone kept their ears glued too Station Soundtown to hear "real music" played by the legendary Oldschool until the station was bought out by the diabolical Dr.Doughnut. Ever since then, the airwaves have been clogged with "Villian Music", forcing Skunk and Munk to take a stand-thus spawning "The Skunk and Munk Show".
Intrigued yet?? You should be. If you want to learn more about skunk and munk click this link to morrismegamedia.com And be sure to witness the birth of "Skunk and Monk" on 3-20-11
Now check out the trailer.....